Visible: ‘Voice of TV’ Review

Films, TV Movies, DVD movies,Visible 2 February 2016 | 0 Comments



Voice of TV Staff

“Visible – Desmond And Penny Are Reunited In SCI FI Love Story”

“Six years after the finale of Lost, and the show is still as alive and vibrant as ever in people’s minds. One of its most beloved relationships was that of Henry Ian Cusick and Sonya Walger’s Desmond Hume and Penelope “Penny” Widmore. Their love story was touching, beautiful and heartbreaking, and their reunion probably one of the most satisfying moments in the series.

The short Visible brings Cusick and Walger back together in this intriguing SCI-FI love story. The film is set in 2086, where 70 years prior the entire human race turned invisible. However, in 2076 a small number of people began to mysteriously reaper, with no explanation as to how this might happen.

Henry Ian Cusick portrays Guy, a conflicted artist, who is faced with a conundrum when the possibility of life as a visible presents itself. This possibility comes in the form of Walger’s character, a visible, who teaches him that life in a visible state is in fact a personal choice “How did you become visible?” “I grew tired of being afraid. […] Being who you’re created to be takes courage. It’s scary.”. So will Guy, a person contented with a life free of judgement or pain, be willing to risk it all away for a life filled with vulnerability but the possibility of hope and love? Check it out for yourself in the video below.

VISIBLE from Visible Films on Vimeo.

The undertone of the story that only we can save ourselves and only when ready to take this step is incredibly resounding, especially in this day and age. In many ways it ingeniously depicts today’s society and what many of us go through at some stage in our lives.

With an incredible cinematography thanks to E. Gustavo Petersen, Visible was wonderfully written by Andrea Snider, beautifully directed by Clay Delauney and produced by Andrea Snider, Clay Delauney, in association with Cusick’s own production company, Henry Joe Productions.”

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