The story behind Ian’s black Bracelet

HIC Group projects,HIC's in there,Miscellaneous 5 June 2013 | 0 Comments

Henry Ian Cusick became a fan favourite early on in his role as Desmond on Lost.

In particular, fans on the Lost Creative Team’s Official Site,  The Fuselage, embraced Ian and his character immediately.

Ian remains a fan favourite because he is such an exceptionally nice, down to earth, giving and caring person.

The story about why you’ll spot Ian or one of his characters wearing a black wrist band is available below,

and on his website – thanks, Dani… great post!

All of us at The Cusick Gallery are extremely honoured to be part of this story,

and what started as a cute little suggestion has become a bond between Ian and his fans.

Thank you, Ian… you are one of the kind, truly the best of the best, and we endlessly appreciate all you do for us!

The story behind Ian’s black Bracelet

Many of you have wondered about the black bracelet Ian wears.

During the filming of LOST, Ian would wear black elastic bands around his wrist so that he could have them on hand to hold back his hair.   A group of his loyal fans who run his fan sites, started calling themselves his “band of followers” and would all wear black bands to show their support. Later his fans became known as Brothas and Sistahs.

When  Ian cut his hair,  he no longer needed the black elastic bands but he started wearing a black leather one they made for him to show his appreciation and  love for his fans.   Much to their delight, he now wears it all the time, on camera, at events, during interviews.  It has very special meaning to his fan club because they know it is for them.

“His fans are really lovely people and very good to us.” says his wife Annie.  “They even sent me cards on my birthday, and made me my own bracelet with an engraved heart that says,  ‘#1 Fangirl’ .  They are fiercely loyal and protective of Ian and he of them.  The bracelet is very special to him and wearing it is his way of showing his appreciation and letting them know  he is thinking of them.”

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