Star Advertiser Interview: ‘Lost’ actor turns to ‘God,’ comedy

HIC's in there,Interviews 6 June 2014 | 1 Comment

By Mike Gordon For much of his career, and certainly during the past decade, actor Henry Ian Cusick has built a reputation on dramatic roles. He spent his time in serious roles, including his pragmatic (and lethal) Kane in the current series “The 100,” a terrorist last season on “Hawaii Five-0,” and the quirky, obsessed […]

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CusickGallery Moderator Attends Frank VS God Premiere and Reception!

Public appearances 3 June 2014 | 3 Comments

Our fellow CG moderator Jane LaMotte,  along with HenryIanDaily contributor Christine Davidian, were two of the fortunate fans who were able to go to the world premiere of Frank VS God this past weekend!  They came back with their own wonderful tales of  seeing the movie and meeting Ian and here in their own words they […]

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Frank VS God: A Successful World Premiere!

Public appearances 3 June 2014 | 0 Comments

The world premiere of Frank VS God at Dances With Films Festival on Friday, May 30 was a huge success! In addition to the screening, there was a Q&A panel featuring Ian and cast members Ever Carradine, Natalya Oliver and Matt Reidy, along with writer/director Stewart Schill, producers Scott Schill and Alan Pruzan. Ian and […]

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